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Yes, you did! You heard the challenge and you responded. On December 30, 2021, a local business owner wrote a check to Justice Housing Yakima for $13,000 that put us over the goal in our effort to raise the money to purchase the property for Cottage Hill by the end of the year. So many of you gave to Justice Housing Yakima during November and December that we met the year-end challenge of $55,000!
In March, 2018, we signed the contract on the land not knowing exactly where all the funds would come from. We signed in faith. We believed you, the community of Yakima, would respond; and you did! Our expression of Thank You doesn’t seem nearly enough. We are immensely grateful.
You believe with us in the cause of developing affordable housing for those experiencing homelessness in Yakima. You believe with us that every person needs a home. You believe with us that every person deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. Our only response of thanks to you is to make sure that we follow up on your trust in us for a better community.
The next few months will see a flurry of activity as we move with determination and commitment into the predevelopment phase of the project. We will be working with our architect, Nancy Charron, of Traho Architects, and the Office of Rural and Farmworker Housing, to finalize site plans and develop a budget for our proposal to the Washington State Department of Commerce Housing Trust Fund.
We will be updating you as we move forward with our efforts. Again, thank you; we could not be doing this if it weren’t for you who care and are supporting this project.

David Helseth
Executive Director
Justice Housing Yakima
